Friday, July 1, 2011

amazing beach day!

Beautiful Newport Beach!!!
30 June

I meandered to the beach after lunch, listened to the rhythmic beating of the waves and read the latest novel that I brought with me.  A book about pixies (of course) entitled Need.  I also made a gallant attempt at tanning while using SPF100 suntan lotion haha... major fail!!

After work, Nick and I went to see "Midnight in Paris" at this really beautiful movie theater Edwards that was built in the 30's, and it looks like an old fashioned play theater!!! It was AWESOME!  Great movie, def a must-see!!!

Love to you all,
Amanda  xoxo


  1. Hi Amanda! I LOVE your mosaic. FUN, FUN, FUN! Can't wait to see your pictures from Grand Canyon, Sedona and Scottsdale.
    ♥ Aunt D

  2. Hi Aunt Doreen =) Thanks!!!! I'm having so much fun so far =) it's amazing out here, *sigh* wish I could transplant our whole family here!!! Love you send hugs to everyone
