Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a little cheese with my wine

Wine Lab

Nick, his roommate, his roommates girlfriend, and I all went to this really small, cute wine store: Wine Lab on Saturday night.  They do mini-tastings there.  The boys got the red wine tasting set, and the girls got the white wine tasting set.  We also ordered some cheese and crackers to accompany the delicious wine!  

The last time Nick was at Wine Lab they served this cave made cheese with coffee in it.  We asked the waitress about it, as it wasn't one of the cheeses on our platter.  She brought us out some to taste. BY FAR, THE BEST CHEESE I'VE EVER HAD!  I hope to get a big chunk of it at some point.   Love, Amanda xo

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Wish I were there- looks delish! So happy you're having fun :-)
