Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Feeding the 'lil Duckies

     I'm having an amazing time so far!!! Yesterday, I walked to "Wholesome Choice" grocery store a little over a mile from my apartment.  It is such an amazing store, they have all sorts of yummy food items AND they sell wine at the grocery stores here!! uh-mazing!  Just another reason to love Cali. 

beautiful scenery on my walk...

When I got home from the store, my roommate, our other roommates little brother and I all went to feed the ducks at the pond across the street.  There were little babies!! 


  1. What a beautiful day you had!
    love the blue skies - crisp and clear
    love the duckies!

    loving this part of my summer ♥
    love YOU!

  2. Love your duckie pictures. That was part of my Calif experience with Marcy when we were able to travel with Barry. So glad you are having an amazing time! Thinking of you often,
    ♥ Aunt D
