Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sedona, Arizona

Sunday afternoon we drove to Sedona.  It was absolutely beautiful to see the red rock formations.   We walked around to view the landscape...
 ...took several photos, and sipped on ice-cold mango-pineapple smoothies!  We had a ton of fun!
 We also saw cactus, little artistic figurines, and a "mamacita" statue! We spent only the afternoon in Sedona, but got a good taste for it. There are trails and things, plus a main street, but you really would have to do a lot of hiking to stay more than a day.   
Love to you all,  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda! Awesome photos today!
    You should really link up with sky watch friday with that awesome photo of you two! {Maybe next week :o)

    I love the momacitu statue and the incredible landscape
    ♥ you
