Friday, August 12, 2011

we are family

life shares it's wisdom

when I was biking to Newport Beach yesterday I noticed on Back Bay Trail a grouping of ducks!  I had to stop my bike and take a picture!  There was a mommy sleeping and a group of at least four baby ducks huddled together sleeping.  I inched a little closer, trying not to scare them, to get a better picture.  Another duck, whom I am assuming is daddy, came swimming up to check on his family!! I quickly backed away and continued riding so as not to disturb the little family any further!.... I love you all


  1. Hi Amanda! Dropping in to say hello and love you. Your broccoli cresent from a couple posts ago looks delish! Lots of love ♥ Aunt Doreen

  2. Hi Amanda...
    Oh this is soooo sweet!
    I love this photo! What a heart and soul picture!
    Miss you very much ~ not just because of the dogs LOL...

    can't wait to see you, but I know that comes with a goodbye to Cali too...

    I know you will just LOVE seeing Jason and it will be a needed stop!
    ♥ you much
